Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Workout

Ok, all....
So I am pretty excited.  I just bought the Les Mills Combat.  I started it today.  Well, I guess technically yesterday.  I did the Basics, the 'training' part, yesterday.  And tonight before work, I did the first workout. It was a 30 minute punch/kick/cardio workout.  It was difficult to follow. But, I can tell it will get easier.  It's just that I don't have that much experience using those punches and kicks. It was pretty awesome though.  Tonight at work I watched the next workout to see what it was like.  HOLY CRAP!!! It is a weight lifting workout.  It is going to be intense.  I feel so motivated just watching it. I can tell... this is going to be well worth it.  I only bought the Basic one.  But, I definitely want to purchase the other dvds as well.  I noticed they are pretty cheap on ebay. (for now... hopefully it stays that way).  I am very excited!! I will let you know how it goes.

I guess today I can end with the Les Mills Combat slogan... "Stay with the Fight".
Ok... I have to use mine too... Keep on Trekkin'

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello all.  I know... I know... I have not posted in quite a while.  Well... today is not necessarily a good one.  It's not bad, mind you.  But..  Well, you decide.  I have worked out a few time.  I have gone to the gym. One day I was at the gym for two and half hours (including changing, and hot tub).  That was a kick ass day.  I have also done a round of Turbo Jam and a Jillian Anderson workout. 
But... here it is... the bad part.  I came into work, went to put my dinner in the fridge, and there it was... staring me in face, looking all tempting and delicious.  A tall can of Mountain Dew.  One of my favorites (along with its Friends Diet Pepsi and Pepsi Max).  I was able to keep the beckoning temptation at bay for most of the night. But, when I grabbed one of the veggies for my salad, there it was, staring me in the face.  I gave in. Yes... I drank the Mt. Dew.  But... it was Sooooooooooooo........ Sweet.  It was like drinking yellow corn syrup.  So, I guess keeping clear of soda for over a month has paid off.  and all in all, I learned a lesson.

No matter what happens, keep on trekkin'